Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Woodrow Wilson; War Address April 1917

     In President Woodrow Wilsons address he is trying to convince the congress and show them the reasons of why they need to go into war. In this address he is saying that they have remained neutral for the past years but because Germany Submarines are attacking everyone’s ship without discrimination for the rights of the people they need, to make peace with the world not for there own selfish power. Woodrow Wilson show logic very well in his address by saying that we are not doing this out of excitement but because of vindication of human right, as well as he uses logic by saying that if we will be going to into war that this will cost a lot of money and that taxes will need to go up so that they can pay for the debts of the war and to make sure to use money wisely.  I see also that the author uses and shows pathos with ethos together. He shows his emotion through out the whole address and showing that he cares about people and the rights of the because that he is strive for there to be peace among the nations as well as showing is character to be a caring for people through out the address. This document for me is significant because it was said to congress to about making the decision of weather or not to step into war after trying to remain neutral; this was the Second World War. His speech was very convincing to me because he was arguing his points very clear and focusing on two main ideas: peace between all nations and rights of the people. He made good arguments that what the government was doing was beyond measure and that the reason for the war is to take the people of who are governing Germany not to make enemies with the people. He brought in arguments that what the submarines of Germany was not ok and having no mercy on people lives. Woodrow Wilson did a great job of talking and helping congress make the right decision. 


  1. One of my favorite parts of the address was how Wilson very subtly touched on how the United States would finance the war. It is a strong political move to only mention it for such a short period of time. Keeping the audience's focus on the task, and not answer some of the major questions to come.

  2. Woodrow Wilson was a wise man, and foresaw a dark shadow stretching across the nations of the world. Wilson told of murders that were in-discriminant of race, origin, or cause. Wilson repeatedly reminded congress that this is not the fault of German citizens, but the “indulgence” of the Imperial German Government. Wilson points out “we have no quarrel with the German people,” but we will defend our human rights and our democracy. Wilson used Russia as one of his examples of the nations that were “fighting for the freedom of the world.” Wilson also wanted to ensure that congress would support the war, by taxation, and help take care of the American people during this hardship.
    I agree with you that Wilson showed his compassion through his speech, and he did the best he could with the information he had. I believe at the time Woodrow Wilson did not know of all the atrocities committed at the hands of the Imperial German Government. So he based his address on the inhumane murders of people from all nations at sea. His disdain for the Americans murdered at sea was clear, but he kept a just and non-vengeful demeanor to his address.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your summary. I thought it was very well written and that you put alot of time and effort into this reading.President Wilson has a way of getting the audience interested really quick, he puts lots of thought and detail into his writting. I feel like this article was very convincing, because of the way he chooses to state things, it makes the reader feel his attitude towards his argument.I agree with the statement that Woodrow Wilson used in his article, the fact that if we went into war then we would of used alot of money and taxes would rise in order for them to pay the debts of the war. I bealive that this is very true, he said it all. I also agree with what you had said, that Wilson made good arguments, he really brougt up good points.

  4. I think your summary was well written. I feel like his article had a lot of points to it. And the main thing is that he just wanted to convince the congress that it was a good idea to go to war, because it will cause the tax to raise and then there would be money for the americans. I don't think Woodrow Wilson really knew what he was getting himself into, but he just felt like it was in his hands to help everyone.

  5. Diana your emphasis on Woodrow Wilson's characterization of the innocents that were being impacted by Germany's pugilistic tendancies, is a good one.

    Throughout his address he builds on the portrayal of the innocence of merchant ships, supply vessels and floating hospitals which were attacked simply because Germany was being an 'unhappy' aggressor.

    President Wilson uses that same compounding tactic to move from being a 'lone champion' to champions of mankind. He steadily increases the burden of response from defending the Americans killed in the unwarranted attacks to acting as a protector of all who may cross Germany's path.

    His method is similar to the one used by President Bush to justify the war against terror-another instance where the US used all of its resources for a contest with multiple beneficiaries.
